* Important note before your start reading: The points we’ll cover aren’t your run-of-the-mill marketing tips. Despite you being able to the execute the marketing plan within 30 minutes, I promise you that IF you take action on the tips, then you’d be able to garner fantastic results out of these strategies whether you’re trying to get more traffic, leads, or sales.
I get it: Being a solopreneur is no cake walk. Not only would you have to produce your actual products/services, but you’d also have to take care of your accounting, inventory, and client management (among other things).
With all the hats that you’d have to wear, you can’t help but set aside some aspects of your business to do your online presence management.
For most solopreneurs, marketing is the one aspect that they choose to neglect. They do this with a sting in their heart since they know full well how their ability to find and get more clients (more money) is tied directly to their internet marketing efforts.
And so the question becomes: How exactly are you supposed to find time to market your business, if you’re dead busy with all the things that you have to do as a solopreneur?
I’m glad you asked.
I’m going to share with you a 30-minute marketing plan that you can use daily. As I mentioned earlier, if you’ll stay committed to using them, I promise you that you’ll get amazing results out of these one way or the other.
Do you like what you’re reading, so far?
Let’s hop right in.
1. Offer to repurpose other people’s content.
Here’s how the process looks from a 30,000-foot perspective:
Step 1: Look for articles with a decent amount of traffic or shares.
Step 2: Reach out to the author of the articles. Thank them for sharing the helpful tips which they shared in their article, then offer to create an infographic version of the entire piece (for free).
Step 3: Wait for their reply. Once they say “yes,” ask if you can contribute to their already published article. Since you’re going to create a free infographic for them, their chances of accepting your offer and giving you a link drastically increase.
Step 4: Get someone to create the infographic for you.
Step 5: Send the author the free infographic and your contribution to their tip.
Looking at the steps that I shared above, I’m sure you can see how self-explanatory and easy they are to execute. You don’t need to learn any new fancy (let alone complicated) social media tools or to spend countless hours writing an article.
You just need to reach out to writers who wrote amazing content pieces, offer to create an infographic version of their content, then create a 1 – 2 paragraph write-up (with your website’s link in it) that the author can insert in their write-up.
To help you with finding the content pieces that have a significant number of shares (and their authors), you can use Buzzsumo.
When you have these details readily available, you won’t have to spend minutes looking for the high-quality articles that have garnered several shares. You can immediately proceed with sending outreach messages to the authors.
To help you with the infographic, you can hire someone from Fiverr.
Just enter the keyword “infographic” in the platform’s search box, so you’d be able to see all the sellers who can create the infographics for you.
If you scroll some more, you’ll find several more graphic designers who can create the infographics for $5.
* Bonus tip: Use a customizable outreach template. That way, you won’t have to keep on writing your outreach messages from scratch.
2. Connect with influencers through Twitter.
Before I go into the details of this strategy, I want to remind you that Twitter has limits when it comes to their daily following, the number of tweets a user can publish daily, or the number of daily direct messages that can be sent (among other things). That said, I urge you to be mindful of their guidelines lest your account gets suspended.
You can read about Twitter’s limits here.
This marketing strategy is pretty straightforward:
Step 1: Use Twitter’s search box to find the influencers within your niche.
Step 2: “Follow” the influencers.
Step 3: When they follow you back, send them a private message thanking them for the follow, then ask about what they do.
Step 4: After they tell you what their job or business is about, look for opportunities on how you can strategically pitch your services.
Through this marketing strategy, not only will you be able to grow your Twitter followers (which is always a good thing), but your chances of being able to find new customers, co-author a new ebook, or contribute to other people’s websites (and much more) drastically increases.
When using this strategy, remember to use Twitter’s filters so the platform will only show you the user profiles and not videos, photos, or news (among others).
Here’s how the search results would look if you don’t click the “People” filter.
If you click the “People” filter, however, you’ll see nothing but Twitter profiles that are relevant to your keywords.
When you’re on this page, you’ll find it a lot easier to follow other users.
* Bonus tip: Don’t pitch your services on the first direct message that you’ll send to the other user. Ask about who they are first, what it is they do, or if there’s anything you can help them with. Doing so will show the other person that you’re genuinely interested in them and are even willing to help them in any way you can.
In a lot of cases, I find myself offering my services on my 3rd or 4th reply to the user.
What’s next?
Here’s the thing, while the strategies that I shared are tried and tested to work and will help your web growth, none of these will do you any good if you don’t look trustworthy enough. That being said, before you even attempt to use any of these strategies, please make sure that you have a professional looking website, email signature, and social profiles (among other things). That way, when your audience starts to do their homework by digging you up on the internet, they’d be more inclined to trust you with their time (and money), since you look like someone who can provide value.
If you found the 30-minute marketing plan that I shared to be useful, then please take three seconds of your time to share the post. Cheers!