When it comes to a search engine optimization process having a strategy for both on-page and off-page marketing is critical.
On-page SEO strategies refers to everything related to your actual website.
Off-page SEO strategies involve everything outside of your website which points into your project. Following are 7 ways you can create these types of properties.
While off-page properties can lead to rankings for your Website, they can also drive traffic directly from the locations identified into your project. Further, they have ranking factors which means that it is quite possible for you to find these properties on the first page of Google along with your own website and or blog.
3 Easy Ways to Build Your Backlinks
Targeting Low Hanging Fruit
Low hanging fruit involves creating content around a given keyword phrase for your targeted niche. At first glance this might not seem like a link building method and is not a linkbuilding service, but it certainly can be.
Here’s how it works.
First, you create an extremely informative article that is full of great content that your niche will be targeted to. This can include images, video and text plus more with the article part being at least 1500 words or more.
The above is all targeted around a designated low hanging keyword phrase that rankings quickly on Google and your niche will love.
Next, you promote this gem out to your network be it social media your email list or whatever relationship strategy you have built. As your article builds momentum and climbs into position on the search engines other Web masters will find it, love it and link back to it from their own projects.
The result will be highly targeted niche authority web properties automatically creating links for you.
Relationship Building
But why stop there?
As you become aware of these link partners, build relationships of value with them. That could and should include brainstorming new ways that can be of positive influence for both of you as you continue to build your branded backlinks.
While you won’t gain value from the direct reciprocal linking approach, there are other methods such as writing a review article for each other that might work great.
Creating Videos
Who hasn’t heard about the idea of creating YouTube videos and how it can be of great benefit to your success online?
If your building anything on the Web today and not targeting videos with your strategy, I believe you are making a mistake. Sure, we all only have 24 hours in a day and we need to be very selective. Just don’t neglect the power of video marketing if you really want to make a difference for your success on the Web.
3 Less Known but Equally Powerful Places to Build Backlinks
Want even more powerful diversity within your work?
Consider working with the following types of properties.
Answering Questions
We already touched on answering questions within forums but that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this strategy. Many people are answering questions on Quora, eHow and Yahoo Answers as part of their off-page marketing strategies.
Sharing Documents
Another option is to create documents that will resonate with your audience. Make sure the content is 100% unique to you and you’ll be welcomed on such sites as SlideShare.net and Scribd.
Here’s how this works:
Let’s say you wrote a 2,000-word article for your blog. After posting it live, you can pull up a tool like PowerPoint and create a slide presentation which covers 5 to 7 key points about that article. After all, the research is already done.
Once you have the slideshow ready upload it and you have 2 properties working for the price of one. That becomes a win-win situation for you.
Submitting Images
While writing that article mentioned above, did you create some images to share with it?
Hope so.
Images can draw a significant amount of attention if they are done right. Since those images belong to you, why not take time to share them out on image sharing sites?
After all, they are already created. It just makes sense.
Here are 4 to consider using:
- Flickr
- Tumblr
- MediaFire
- ShutterFly
Creating Infographics
A step beyond an individual image would be infographics that tell your audience your message in a visually oriented story format. Images are very compelling on the Web and infographics are even more powerful.
Here are three places to consider submitting your infographic properties too.
- visual.ly
- com/r/Infographics
- submitinfographics
And if you need a good infographic creator checkout Canva.
What’s Missing and Why?
There’s a type of property that seems like a “no brainer” to build backlinks from which hasn’t been mentioned so far. It’s called social media:
Popular platforms would include:
- Google Plus
And the list goes on.
Why haven’t I taken time to include these properties in this conversation?
Or perhaps it has something to do with the reiteration of the above position in tweets that were sent out on June 6th, 2016.
So why pay attention to these types of properties at all?
No reason other than the massive amounts of traffic that can be realized thus.
While realizing organic ranks for your off-page strategies is important, it should not be your only focus. Whatever you can do to drive visitors to your site from other popular locations should be done.
That’s why we highly recommend including social media marketing as part of your off-page strategy.
Concluding Thoughts About Creating External Backlinks for Your Website
Well, there you have it.
A variety of methods for building off-page power to your Website through the power of backlinks. While many properties have been brought forward for your consideration there are always more that can be included.
That’s where you come in.
Which of the properties identified within this article have you used to drive traffic to your web properties?
Which are you going to start using now?